Friday, December 16, 2011

Gift for mom and dad

Okay, here is what I have so far. The clothespins are not attached yet, I was just playing around with ideas on what we should do. This is one idea, to put them all the way around.
(I am short one clothespin {I am going to do 18 just in case :0} but I think I can find another one.

And I thought you would want to see my little helper
He can be very cute when he is not being a stinker :)

Here is another idea I was playing with...I don't think it will work.
I was going to paint and attach these sticks and then attach more clothespins to them but that would only allow for 12-14 pins....

So one more idea might be to hang 6 pieces of some kind of sting or ribbon and then 3 pictures could attache to each ribbon with a pin. That would leave room from grown...
What do you think?

Friday, January 14, 2011

Temple Pictures

Both of these were taken on my wedding day by my brother in law

First picture - Original






Second original
(this one was not cropped at 4x6 for some reason so I had a hard
time cropping it to 4x6 and keeping the whole temple in)






This is one that was on the website that they said you could use.
 It is a different Temple but very beautiful!!